The Career Cue

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STEM Careers with Faith Rothberg

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) has been, and will continue to be, a hot topic in workforce conversations. Today, we're scratching the surface on the future of STEM careers with Faith Rothberg from College Recruiter. Faith discusses just how big of a footprint these types of careers will create in both the short and long-term, and how to look at STEM with a wider lens.

It's not just about software development and rocket science, there is a little STEM in almost every type of career.

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Show Notes

  • What is STEM? Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
  • Currently more job openings available than candidates
  • 2.4 million unfilled jobs by 2018
  • Seek mentors in STEM professions
  • If you have moved on or out of a STEM career, don't be intimidated to reenter the field
  • Start a Lean In circle (watch Sheryl Sandberg's TED Talk)
  • There is a community out there, if one isn't easily accessible in your area consider reaching out to your peers to launch one
  • If currently studying a STEM degree, consider:
    • a part-time job during the school year
    • interning during the summer
    • ask professors about their experience or if they have someone in their network they would recommend to connect with
  • Update your profile and engage in online communities
  • Network with peers in similar study or professional circles
  • Identify someone who is currently in a profession that you may be interested in and offer to take them to coffee
  • Join local, state and national groups and conferences for continued professional development (eg., PHP language groups)
  • When considering a post-graduate degree, evaluate whether it's required for the next (or first) stage in your career
  • Consider joining a national organization (eg., National Center for Women in Technology)