Tim Sloan talks how to determine what is next in your career and career transition


Does your current job have you thinking, "What's next?" Tim Sloane tackles that very question with us.

In today's episode, Tim Sloane sits down with us to discuss identifying the themes throughout your career (so far), finding confidence in your skills and experience and why you should never stop thinking big in terms of your potential.

Tim Sloane is an accomplished executive with extensive experience building, leading and retaining talented teams. Tim is a hands-on, ‘get it done’ leader with a passion for achieving results. Tim has navigated a successful career across start-ups, Fortune 100’s and government agencies in the technology and media industries. He has a unique blend of driving strategy, operations, customer success, business process, and project execution.

Contact Tim

Show Notes

How do you determine what is next in your career when you aren't sure what is next?

Be willing to explore

Keep dreaming through your career – don't always think about what is the immediate next step – think bigger

Know what "pillars" are core to you

Look at your career to date and determine what theme runs through the roles you enjoyed and were good at

Define what is important to you

Define what you are good at

Get really crisp on this – ensure you can talk about it fluidly, practice this.

How?   Can use a career coach or do it yourself – but have to prioritize this for yourself so you can tell your themes or pillars to people and they are something you believe


Don't make a decision until you have a decision to make

Don't turn down early conversations or early activities until you truly have a decision to make

Ie. Don't think "I won’t talk to that recruiter who just called because I am not looking right now" - you never know where a conversation can lead or when you will be looking for a new role.


Have Confidence in your skill set – you have been successful so have confidence that you can be successful in a new role or flexing in a new area


Be self aware of your opportunity areas

Tell your truth without blame or judgment – not everyone can be great at everything

You need to practice in new competencies or actively practice in your opportunity areas

Have conversations or contracts with teammates to help each other in these areas


Moving to Start-up or moving from a Start-up

If you are moving between roles, between companies or from start-up to big company or vice versa – use EVERYTHING you have learned and think of how to apply them in a new area.

Know that moving to a start-up with all be a journey – they don't always have the resources of larger companies so you may need to pick up tasks you didn't previously do.
