Sara Harvey Yao talks mindfulness at work and impact and influence in meetings


They're part of the job.

Whether a one-off discussion or a recurring meeting with the same players sitting around the table, Sara Harvey Yao returns to discuss how to be more present in order to contribute more impact and influence. Don't miss Sara's tips on surviving conference calls as well.

If you are going to leave the meeting, take your body with you

Show Notes

When you attend a meeting, you want to "show up" and provide value – you want to have impact and influence

You are going to make an impact so determine what impact you want to make.

Showing up and Being Fully Present is the key to having impact and influence in a meeting

Being a leader is about being present and really listening

What Being Present is

Being fully there in the moment

Being aware of what is happening in the room, mind or body

What Being Present isn't

Worrying about past or future

Thinking about something else and miss what someone said

Being Present during meetings is important because:

You can bring relevant info at the right time

Allows for creativity

Allows active participation in the discussions & decision making

Auto-pilot is the mode you get in when you aren't present.

If you find yourself reacting the same way in meetings, you are on auto-pilot – there is science behind this, you are on survival mode in the limbic system in the brain

Being present will get you out of autopilot

Being present allows you to choice your reaction to work interactions or in meetings

Sara shares tips for surviving the conference call and being present during conference calls

Turn off screens or turn off email

Sit in a different chair or go to a different location

Give yourself a challenge to contribute to the meeting
