Making the Leap into Entrepreneurship with Lora Poepping
Lora Poepping, President of Plum Coaching & Consulting, returns to the studio to share her journey from being a Corporate champion to starting her own business, allowing her creativity and passion for helping others in their careers to shine.
Show Notes
- Become a human bumper car - try it, even if you bump into something you can change direction
- Everything Lora does teaches her what to do, and everything that doesn't work out teaches her what not to do again
- Consider a coach
- You can make your own mistakes, you can do it
- Be open to signals
- Be open in communicating what you're looking for to your network
- Take ego out of it
- "The world does not know that it needs you."
- Don't dig in your heels and think you have to go it alone
- If what you are creating would be helpful?
- Ask people who are unafraid to be honest
- Take to heart the feedback that you receive
- A brain trust of people, honest opinion of what you are wanting to do
- Be malleable, be open, don't be a pushover
- People want you to be successful
- Be open to all possibilities
- Go out and float your idea to understand whether your idea is viable in the marketplace
- If you see someone that looks like they're an overnight success, dig a little further and you'll find that they've been working at it for a long time
- You'll never think as hard about your job than you do for your own business
- Fine tune the value proposition
- Practice your message with trusted advisors to make it more appealing to people that you don't know
- Know your audience, are you a potential competitor to the person you're seeking advice from?
- The underlying reason you're doing this is not just about's about providing a business, service, or product for others