In today's episode, Dianna Winegarden, Global Client Services and Operations Leader, shares how she utilized her network to land a role in the UK and how an international move allows for a chance to show what you're capable of.
“Be Bold! Go Big!”
Show Notes
Dianna Winegarden is a client services executive who recently relocated back to Seattle after living and working abroad for the last three years. She has worked for a variety of companies including Microsoft and Point B, with her most recent venture being the Global Director of Client Services and Solutions for Investis Ltd in London. Dianna holds an undergraduate degree in International Relations from Drake University and an MBA from the University of Washington.
Contact Dianna
Show Notes
- Put an action plan together
- A career or geographical transition allows for a chance to see what you're capable of
- Evaluate what is going to work and what the next experience will be
- Leverage your network, ask for introductions, research target companies
- Identify the criteria you want your search to cover (eg., location, company culture, opportunity for significant impact)
- Reach out to your champions and be clear on what you're looking for
- Include a call-to-action (CTA) in communications to your network (eg., meet for coffee, introduction request, etc)
- It's okay to use a template for your communications but only send 1:1 emails (don't blind copy your contacts)
- Utilize this opportunity to celebrate the support during your job search
- Stay current on business and industry while aboard - make sure you're up-to-speed when you're ready to return home
- Apply similar job search strategy when ready to return home
- Set your own expectations about the types and quantity of roles available
- Identify the times you have been successful in transition along with what didn't work out
- Be bold, go big
- Make decisions from a place of confidence than of fear
- Don't focus on mitigating risk, embrace the discomfort
- Focus on the relationships within and beyond your network
- Be open about the cultural differences to learn more
- Work really hard at having good endings (understand the impact to the business, what can you do to alleviate the your exit from the company)