Changing Jobs & Staying at the Same Company

Changing Jobs & Staying at the Same Company

Looking to make a job change?  Your dream job might be at your current company. Danna Redmond discusses why to consider staying at your current company to make your job change and how to make a job change a reality with your current company.  

A Day In The Life of A Modern Remote Salesman

A Day In The Life of A Modern Remote Salesman

Steve Findley is a Modern Day Salesman. He's combined his love of travel and sales to curate a digitally nomadic life and career and he shares with us what a "typical" day looks like from sunrise to sunset.

It is Ok to NOT have a career plan

It is Ok to NOT have a career plan

It is OK to not have a career plan.  This goes against what most career blogs, career coaches and common career advice say, but hear our host, Danna Redmond, out and understand how letting happenstance happen can be good for your career.  Career planning can be about being open to opportunties. 

Professional Networking: The Long Game

Professional Networking: The Long Game

How do you build your professional network?  How do you think about creating a network to support to support your professional development? Danna Redmond thinks you should maintain your professional network in the times when you don’t necessarily “need” your network so that when you do need to ask your network for help or assistance you will already be “on the green” to make that shot. 


   What is so new about the “new” way to your manage career?  By Danna Redmond  So much has been written about the “new” way to manage your career. There are a lot of references like "you can’t expect to work for the same company your entire

Talk lately always seems to be about the "new" ways to manage your career. Our co-host, Danna Redmond, is it really that "new"?